Do not do anything with a timeline. Don’t tell yourself that tomorrow or next week you will get this or that done. Your brain will work against you.
Make a short list of what you would like to get done and leave it at that. No timeline.
Now, if you work and have deadlines you will need to work at that.
Don’t leave it all for the day before it’s due.
Work on it a little every day or two and you will be done on time. Even 10 minutes a day will work.
You will have to make yourself do it for 10 minutes, but at the end you will be glad that you did it this way.
I recently had a large project to get done by a certain date and I did it using this method and it worked well. Of course, I finished it totally the day before it was due, but I did it well and on time!
If you wonder why I am so sporadic with my posts, I have the same problems you do. Sometimes I feel like writing and sometimes I don’t. Hang in there with me, please.
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