
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Earth is Huge!

I want you to think.

I want you to look at the Earth as a whole place. It’s huge!! It has billions of people on it. It’s lush and green and has huge areas of sparkling water on it. The things to do on it are uncountable. The wind alone is studied for whole lifetimes. One specific species of animal can be studied over a humans whole lifetime and still not be able to learn all about it.

Now, think of where your whole life has brought you to. You, staying alone and focusing only on you. Thinking outside you body is just too hard.

Depression does that to us. We have the whole world open to us and we can only focus on the tiny pin point that is us.

How we got to the point of only living in our heads doesn’t really matter. What does matter is getting ourselves back into a life that we can at least tolerate. It’s sad that alone seems incermountable.

Last week I got rid of most of my clothes hanging in my closet. That’s it, just the clothes that were hanging there. Some I have had for way too many years and I really liked them. A lot had stains. Some had holes in them. I got rid of all the stained and holey ones first. Yes, some were my favorites. Then I started on the ones I never wear or don’t really like. That took care of a lot more.

When I looked at what I had left it was not much at all. And it felt great! Not that I had few clothes, but that the feeling of not having to think about or take care of all those clothes made me smile. Maybe another time I will go through the folded clothes and smile again or maybe my sock drawer next. It has all been there this long and a little longer is just fine. It was nice to look at my closet and smile.

I might just start looking for a new top! Or get rid of some old shoes so I can see the floor of my closet. That would be awesome and let me smile again.

I get overwhelmed so easily. But too much clutter drives me crazy. One day I will work on that too.

Thinking about the whole world helped me get rid of some old clutter. And, I smiled.

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