
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

We are Us

We have to look out for us and no one else.

We are a large portion of the world. Depression: If we could stand up together, we could control the world. Or at least the US part of it

In Ohio it is too hot to do much of anything. My asthma only wants to stay in the air conditioning. I have been sleeping a lot. It is not good for me, so now I need to work some energy back up. So, I am making myself write today.

I have been reading again so that’s good.

I have not been taking my pills right, so I’m working on that, too. This is what happens when we let go.

I won’t go into all the medicine I’m on. They are mostly heart meds.

FOR DEPRESSION I take Cymbalta and Trazodone.

Vitamin B Complex- it helps to make serotonin and dopamine, both of which we need.

Vitamin D- in Ohio the weather is too hot or cloudy, most of us need that.

Magnesium- for depression and anxiety. It should have magnesium L-Threonate. Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium Taurate.

It’s hard to find these three together, but it can be done. I found mine on Amazon.

Check with your Doctor to be sure nothing reacts with other medicines you may be taking.

I will work on taking my pills and staying awake. You can work on it too, if you need too.

At a time when you need to work hard to stay above water, only read fun or funny books or joke books. Only watch fun TV. No murders or horror movies. Sometimes I just watch old cartoons. If a conversation is bringing you down instead of up, excuse yourself and walk away.

We are the only ones that can lookout for us. THINK UP!! Sometimes people think we are weird or stuck up. Oh well, what they think is not our problem.

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